STEM materials: a new frontier for an intelligent sustainable world |
Pier F. Moretti, Bartosz A. Grzybowski, Vasileios Basios, Elvira Fortunato, Maria Suarez Diez, Olga Speck & Rodrigo Martins BMC Mat 1, 3 (2019) |
Efficient and Long-Lasting Current Rectification by Laminated Yet Separated, Oppositely Charged Monolayers |
Mengyao Li, Bin Tu, Bin Cui, Xing Zhao, Liu Yang, Qiaojun Fang, Yong Yan, and Bartosz A. Grzybowsk* ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 2295-2300 (2019)
Rapid and Accurate Prediction of pKa Values of C-H Acids Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks |
Rafal Roszak, Wiktor Beker, Karol Molga, and Bartosz A. Grzybowsk* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 17142-17149 (2019)
Stretchable and Reactive Membranes of Metal-Organic Framework Nanosurfactants on Liquid Droplets |
Jingjing Wei Zhijie Yang Yaroslav I. Sobolev and Bartosz A. Grzybowski* Adv. Intell. Syst., 1, 1900065 (2019) COVER ART |
Computational design of syntheses leading to compound libraries or isotopically labelled targets |
Karol Molga, Piotr Dittwald and Bartosz A. Grzybowski Chem. Sci. 10, 9219-9232 (2019) COVER ART
Dynamic Assembly of Small Parts in Vortex-Vortex Traps Established within a Rotating Fluid |
Taehoon Lee Yaroslav I. Sobolev Olgierd Cybulski Bartosz A. Grzybowski Adv. Mater. 31, 1902298 (2019)
The logic of translating chemical knowledge into machine-processable forms: a modern playground for physical-organic chemistry |
Karol Molga, Ewa P. Gajewska, Sara Szymkuc and Bartosz A. Grzybowski React. Chem. Eng. 4, 1506-1521 (2019)
Oscillating droplet trains in microfluidic networks and their suppression in blood flow |
Cybulski, O., Garstecki, P. & Grzybowski, B.A. Nat. Phys. 15, 706-713 (2019)
Nanostructured Rhenium-Carbon Composites as Hydrogen-Evolving Catalysts Effective over the Entire pH Range |
Minju Kim, Zhijie Yang, Jun Heuk Park, Seok Min Yoon*, and Bartosz A. Grzybowski* ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5, 2725-2733 (2019)
Immature dendritic cells navigate microscopic mazes to find tumor cells |
Eujin Um, Jung Min Oh, Juhee Park, Taegeun Song, Tae-Eon Kim, Yongjun Choi, Changsik Shin, Diana Kolygina, Jae-Hyung Jeon, Bartosz A. Grzybowski* and Yoon-Kyoung Cho* Lab Chip 19, 1665 (2019)
Automatic mapping of atoms across both simple and complex chemical reactions |
Wojciech Jaworski, Sara Szymkuc, Barbara Mikulak-Klucznik, Krzysztof Piecuch, Tomasz Klucznik, Michal Kazmierowski, Jan Rydzewski, Anna Gambin and Bartosz A. Grzybowski* Nat Commun 10, 1434 (2019)
Selection of cost-effective yet chemically diverse pathways from the networks of computer-generated retrosynthetic plans |
T. Badowski, K. Molga & B. A. Grzybowski* Chem. Sci. 10, 4610-4651 (2019)
Navigating around Patented Routes by Preserving Specific Motifs along Computer-Planned Retrosynthetic Pathways |
Karol Molga, Piotr Dittwald and Bartosz A. Grzybowski Chem. 5, 460 (2019)
Uniform and directional growth of centimeter-sized single crystals of cyclodextrin-based metal organic frameworks |
N. Kim, J. H. Park, J. Paczesny & B. A. Grzybowski* Cryst. Eng. Comm. 21, 1867-1871 (2019)
Charged Metal Nanoparticles for Chemoelectronic Circuits |
Xing Zhao Jiahui Guo Tao Xiao Yuchun Zhang Yong Yan and Bartosz A. Grzybowsk* Adv. Mater. 31, 1804864 (2019)
Prediction of Major Regio-, Site-, and Diastereoisomers in Diels-Alder Reactions by Using Machine-Learning |
Wiktor Beker, Ewa P. Gajewska, Tomasz Badowski and Bartosz A. Grzybowski Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 4515 (2019)
Propagation of Oscillating Chemical Signals through Reaction Networks |
Rafal Roszak, Michal D. Bajczyk, Ewa P. Gajewska, Robert Holyst and Bartosz A. Grzybowski Angew.Chem.Int. Ed. 58, 4520-4525 (2019)
Levy-like movement patterns of metastatic cancer cells revealed in microfabricated systems and implicated in vivo |
Huda, B. Weigelin, K. Wolf, K.V. Tretiakov, K. Polev, G.
Wilk, M. Iwasa, F.S. Emami, J.W.
Narojczyk, M. Banaszak, S. Soh, D. Pilans, A.Vahid, M. Makurath, P. Friedl,
G.G. Borisy, K. Kandere-Grzybowska* & B.A. Grzybowski* Nat. Commun. 9, 4539 (2018) 
The influence of distant substrates on the outcome of contact electrification |
M. Siek, W. Adamkiewicz,
Y.I.Sobolev, B.A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 15379-15383 (2018)
Control and switching of charge-selective catalysis on nanoparticles by counterions |
Q. Zhuang, Z. Yang,Y. I. Sobolev, W. Beker, J. Kong* & B. A. Grzybowski* ACS Catal 8, 7469 - 7474 (2018)
Linguistic measures of chemical diversity and the |
M. Wozniak, A. Wolos, U.
Modrzyk, R.L. Gorski, J. Winkowski, M. Bajczyk, S. Szymkuc, B.A. Grzybowski*
& M. Eder* Sci Rep 8, 7598 (2018)
Chematica: A story of computer code that started to think like a chemist |
B.A. Grzybowski*, S. Szymkuc, E.P. Gajewska, K. Molga, P. Dittwald, A. Wolos & T. Klucznik Chem 4, 390-398 (2018) COVER ART
Efficient Syntheses of Diverse, Medicinally Relevant Targets Planned by Computer and Executed in the Laboratory |
Tomasz Klucznik, Barbara Mikulak-Klucznik, Michael P. McCormack, Heather Lima, Sara Szymkuc, Manishabrata Bhowmick, Karol Molga, Yubai Zhou, Lindsey Rickershauser, Ewa P. Gajewska, Alexei Toutchkine, Piotr Dittwald, Michal P. Startek, Gregory J. Kirkovits, Rafal Roszak, Ariel Adamski, Bianka Sieredzinska, Milan Mrksich*, Sarah L.J. Trice*, Bartosz A. Grzybowski* Chem. 4, 522-532 (2018)
Discovery and enumeration of organic-chemical and biomimetic reaction cycles within the Network of Chemistry |
M.D. Bajczyk, P. Dittwald,
A. Wolos, S. Szymkuc, B.A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 2367-2371 (2018) VIP Article 
Systems of mechanized and reactive droplets powered by multi-responsive surfactants |
Z. Yang, J. Wei, Y. Sobolev
& B.A.Grzybowski* Nature 553, 313-318 (2018) 
Slit tubes for semi-soft pneumatic actuators |
Belding, B. Baytekin, T. Baytekin, P. Rothemund, M.S. Verma, A. Nemiroski, B.A. Grzybowski, & G.M.
Whitesides* Adv. Mater. 30, 1704446 (2018)
Metal-Organic Framework "Swimmers" with Energy-Efficient Autonomous Motility |
J.H. Park, S. Lach,
K. Polev, S. Granick & B.A. Grzybowski* ACS Nano 11, 10914-10923 (2017) 
Heterogeneous Catalysis "On Demand": Mechanically Controlled Catalytic Activity of a Metal Surface |
T. Mazur, S. Lach &
B.A. Grzybowski* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9,
44264-44269 (2017) 
Interference-like patterns of static magnetic fields imprinted into polymer/nanoparticle composites |
Z. Yang, J. Wei, K.
Gizynski, M.-G. Song & B.A. Grzybowski* Nature Commun. 8, 1564 (2017) 
Tunable Photoluminescence across the Visible Spectrum and Photocatalytic Activity of Mixed-Valence Rhenium Oxide Nanoparticles |
Y.K. Jeong, Y.M. Lee, J. Yun, T. Mazur, M. Kim, Y.J. Kim, M. Dygas, S.
Choi, K.S. Kim, O.H. Kwon, S.M. Yoon* & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 15088-15093 (2017) 
Non-Equilibrium Self-Assembly of Monocomponent and Multicomponent Tubular Structures in Rotating Fluids |
T. Lee, K. Gizynski, & B.A. Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 29, 1704274 (2017)
Artificial Heliotropism and Nyctinasty Based on Optomechanical Feedback and No Electronics |
B. Baytekin*, S.D. Cezan,
H.T. Baytekin* & B.A. Grzybowski* Soft Robotics, ahead of print (2017) 
Synthetic Design with the Chematica Program The Importance of Accurate Rules and of Higher order Logic |
B.A. Grzybowski*, S.
Szymkuc, K. Molga, E.P. Gajewska, A. Wolos Chimia 71, 512 (2017) |
Janus Particle Synthesis, Assembly, and Application |
J. Zhang, B.A. Grzybowki
& S. Granick* Langmuir 33, 6964-6977 (2017) 
Predicting the outcomes of organic reactions via machine learning: are current descriptors sufficient? |
G. Skoraczynski, P.
Dittwald, B. Miasojedow, S. Szymkuc, E.P. Gajewska, B.A. Grzybowski* & A.
Gambin* Sci. Rep. 7, 3582 (2017)
Active colloids with collective mobility status and research opportunities |
J. Zhang, E. Luijten, B.A. Grzybowski, S. Granick* Chem. Soc. Rev. 46,
5551-5569 (2017)
From dynamic self-assembly to networked chemical systems |
B.A. Grzybowski*,
K.Fitzner*, Jan Paczesny & Steve Granick Chem. Soc. Rev. 46, 5647-5678 (2017) 
Dynamic Self-Assembly of Magnetic/Polymer Composites in Rotating Frames of Reference |
K. Gizynski, T. Lee &
B.A. Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 29, 1700614 (2017) 
Nanosystem: Programmed communication |
K. Kandere-Grzybowska* & B.A. Grzybowski* Nature Nanotech. 12, 291-292 (2017)
Tweezing of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Objects with Magnetic Fields |
J.V. Timonen & B.A. Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 29, 1603516 (2017)
Large-Area, Freestanding MOF Films of Planar, Curvilinear, or Micropatterned Topographies |
S.M. Yoon*, J.H. Park &
B.A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 127-132 (2017) 
Theoretical basis for the stabilization of charges by radicals on electrified polymers |
T. Mazur & B.A.
Grzybowski* Chem. Sci. 8, 2025-2032 (2017) 
Trapping, manipulation, and crystallization of live cells using magnetofluidic tweezers |
J.V. Timonen, C. Raimondo,
D. Pilans, P.P. Pillai & B.A. Grzybowski* Nanoscale Horiz. 2, 50-54 (2017)
Tactic, reactive, and functional droplets outside of equilibrium |
S. Lach, S. M. Yoon &
B. A. Grzybowski* Chem. Soc. Rev. 17, 4766-4796 (2016) 
Engineering Gram Selectivity of Mixed-Charge Gold Nanoparticles by Tuning the Balance of Surface Charges |
P. Pillai, B. Kowalczyk, K. Kandere-Grzybowska, M. Borkowska & B. A.
Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 8610-8614 (2016)
Magnetofluidic Tweezing of Nonmagnetic Colloids |
J. Timonen, A.F. Demirors
& B. A. Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 28,
3453-3459 (2016) COVER ART 
The nanotechnology of life-inspired systems |
B. A. Grzybowski*&
W.T.S. Huck* Nature Nanotech. 11, 585-592 (2016) |
Chemoelectronic circuits based on metal nanoparticles |
Y. Yang, S.C. Warren, P.
Fuller & B. A. Grzybowski* Nature Nanotech. 11, 603-608 (2016) COVER ART 
Computer-Assisted Synthetic Planning: The End of the Beginning |
S. Szymkuc, E. Gajewska, T.
Klucznik, K. Molga, P. Dittwald, M. Startek, M Bajczyk & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 5904-5937 (2016) COVER ART
Self-assembly of like-charged nanoparticles into microscopic crystals |
P. Pillai, B. Kowalczyk
& B. A. Grzybowski* Nanoscale 8, 157-161 (2016)
Electrostatic Titrations Reveal Surface Compositions of Mixed, On-Nanoparticle Monolayers Comprising Positively and Negatively Charged Ligands |
P. Pillai, B. Kowalczyk, W.
Pudlo & B. A. Grzybowski* J. Phys. Chem. C 7, 4139-4144 (2016)
Tunneling Electrical Connection to the Interior of Metal-Organic Frameworks |
Han, S.C. Warren, S.M. Yoon, C.D. Malliakas, X. Hou, Y. Wei, M.G. Kanatzidis
& B. A. Grzybowski* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137,
8169-8175 (2015) 
A Priori Estimation of Organic Reaction Yields |
F. Emami, A Vahid, L.
Wylie, S. Szymkuc, P. Dittwald, K. Molga & B.
A. Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 127,
10947-10951 (2015)
pH Oscillator Stretched in Space but Frozen in Time |
T.M. Hermans, P.S. Stewart & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 760-766
Mechanochemical Activation and Patterning of an Adhesive Surface toward Nanoparticle Deposition |
H.T. Baytekin, B.
Baytekin, S. Huda & B. A. Grzybowski* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 1726-1729 (2015) 
Vortex flows impart chirality-specific lift forces |
T.M. Hermans, P.S. Stewart, S.H. Davis & B.A.
Grzybowski* Nature Commun. 6, 5640 (2015) |
A long-lasting concentration cell based on a magnetic electrolyte |
Y. Yan, J. Timonen & B.A. Grzybowski* Nature Nanotech. 11, 901-906 (2014) |
Label-Free in Situ Optical Monitoring of the Adsorption of Oppositely Charged Metal Nanoparticles |
S. Kurunczi, D. Patko, Istvan Lagzi, B. Kowalczyk, Z. Racz, B.A. Grzybowski*
& R. Horvath* Langmuir 30, 13478-13482 (2014)
Microfabricated Systems and Assays for Studying the Cytoskeletal Organization, Micromechanics, and Motility Patterns of Cancerous Cells |
S. Huda,
D. Pilans, M. Makurath, T. Hermans, K. Kandere-Grzybowska & B.A.
Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. Int. 1, 1400158 (2014) COVER ART |
Charged nanoparticles crystallizing and controlling crystallization: from coatings to nanoparticle surfactants to chemical amplifiers |
B.A. Grzybowski* Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16, 9368-9380 (2014) COVER
Systems chemistry: a web themed issue |
B.A. Grzybowski*, S.
Otto*, D. Philp* Chem. Commun. 50, 14924-14925 (2014) |
Mechanically Driven Activation of Polyaniline into Its Conductive Form |
B. Baytekin, H.T. Baytekin & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 6946-6950 (2014). VIP
Article |
Organic Chemistry as a Language and the Implications of Chemical Linguistics for Structural and Retrosynthetic Analyses |
A. Cadeddu. E. Wylie, J.
Jurczak, M. Wampler-Doty, & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 53,
8108-8112 (2014). |
Synthesis of Toroidal Gold Nanoparticles Assisted by Soft Templates |
Yan, P.P. Pillai, J.V.I. Timonen, F.S. Emami, A. Vahid & B.A. Grzybowski* Langmuir 30, 9886-9890 (2014) |
Universal Area Distributions in the Monolayers of Confluent Mammalian Cells |
G.Wilk, M. Iwasa, P.E. Fuller, K. Kandere-Grzybowska* & B.A. Grzybowski* Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 138104 (2014) COVER ART |
Mechanical Control of Surface Adsorption by Nanoscale Cracking |
Zhuang, S.C. Warren, B. Baytekin, A.F. Demir철rs, P.P. Pillai, B.Kowalczyk, H.T.
Baytekin &
B.A. Grzybowski* Adv. Materials 26, 3667-3672 (2014) |
Storage of Electrical Information in Metal-Organic-Framework Memristors |
Yoon, S.C. Warren & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 53,
4437-4441 (2014). |
Temperature driven assembly of like-charged nanoparticles at non-planar liquid-liquid or gel-air interfaces |
Zhuang, D.A. Walker, K.P. Browne, B. Kowalczyk, G. Beniah B.A.
Grzybowski* Nanoscale 6, 4474-4479 (2014) COVER ART |
Accelerated Self-Replication under Non-Equilibrium, Periodic Energy Delivery |
Zhang, D.A. Walker, B.A. Grzybowski* &
M.O. de la Cruz* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 53,
173-177 (2014) COVER ART |
Colloidal assembly directed by virtual magnetic moulds |
Demirors, P.P. Pillai, B. Kowalczyk & B.A. Grzybowski* Nature 503, 99-103 (2013) |
Control of Surface Charges by Radicals as a Principle of Antistatic Polymers Protecting Electronic Circuitry |
H. T.Baytekin, B. Baytekin, T.M. Hermans, B. Kowalczyk & B.A. Grzybowski* Science 341, 1368-1371 (2013) |
Geometric curvature controls the chemical patchiness and self-assembly of nanoparticles |
Walker, E.K. Leitsch, R.J. Nap, I. Szleifer & B.A. Grzybowski* Nature Nanotech.
676-681, (2013) COVER ART |
Relationship between dynamical entropy and energy dissipation far from thermodynamic equilibrium |
J.R. Green, A.B. Costa,
B.A. Grzybowski & I. Szleifer* Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 16339-16343 (2013) |
Microphase separation as the cause of structural complexity in 2D liquids |
A.Z. Patashinski*, R. Orlik, A.C. Mitus, M.A.
Ratner & B.A. Grzybowski*
Soft Matter: 9, 10042-10047 (2013) |
Motility efficiency and spatiotemporal synchronization in non-metastatic vs. metastatic breast cancer cells |
T.M. Hermans, D. Pilans, S.
Huda, P. Fuller, K. Kandere-Grzybowska & B.A. Grzybowski* Integrative Biol. 5, 1464-1473 (2013) |
Retrieving and converting energy from polymers: deployable technologies and emerging concepts |
Baytekin, H.T. Baytekin & B.A.
Grzybowski* Energy & Env. Sci. 6, 3467-3482 (2013) |
A Metal-Organic Framework Stabilizes an Occluded Photocatalyst |
Han, Y. Wei & B.A. Grzybowski* Chem. Eur. J. 19, 11194-11198 (2013) |
The Rate of Energy Dissipation Determines Probabilities of Non-equilibrium Assemblies |
K.V. Tretiakov, I. Szleifer
& B.A.
Grzybowski* Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 10304-10308, (2013) |
Controlled pH Stability and Adjustable Cellular Uptake of Mixed-Charge Nanoparticles |
P. Pillai, B. Kowalczyk* & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 6392-6395 (2013) |
When and Why Like-Sized, Oppositely Charged Particles Assemble into Diamond-like Crystals |
K.J.M. Bishop*, N.R., Chevalier & B.A.
Grzybowski* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1507-1511 (2013) |
Why Cells are Microscopic: A Transport-Time Perspective |
S. Soh, M.
Banaszak*, K.Kandere-Grzybowsks* & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 861-865 (2013) |
Nanostructural Anisotropy Underlies Anisotropic Electrical Bistability |
P.Pillai, K. Paclawski, J. Kim & B.A.
Grzybowski* Adv. Mater 25, 1623-1628 (2013) |
Organic Switches for Surfaces and Devices |
A.C. Fahrenbach, S.C. Warren, J.T. Incorvati, A.J.
Avestro, J.C. Barnes, J.F. Stoddart* & B.A. Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 25, 331-348 (2013) |
Microtubule guidance tested through controlled cell geometry |
S. Huda, S. Soh, M.
Byrska-Bishop, D. Pilans, J. Kim, K.Kandere-Grzybowska* & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Cell Science 125,
5790-5799 (2012). |
Modular Synthesis of Bipyridinium Oligomers and Corresponding Donor-Acceptor Oligorotaxanes with Crown Ethers |
C.M. Gothard, C.J. Bruns, N.A. Gothard, B.A.
Grzybowski & J.F. Stoddart* Org. Lett., 14, 5066-5069 (2012) |
Inorganic salts direct the assembly of charged nanoparticles into composite nanoscopic spheres, plates, or needles |
B.A. Grzybowski*, B.
Kowalczyk, I. Lagzi, D. Wang, K.V. Tretiakov, D.A. Walker Faraday Disc. 159, 201-209 (2012) |
Heterogeneous Structure, Heterogeneous Dynamics, and Complex Behavior in Two-Dimensional Liquids |
A. Z. Patashinski, M. A.
Ratner, B. A. Grzybowski, R. Orlik, & A. C. Mitus* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 2431-435 (2012) |
Ultrasensitive detection of toxic cations through changes in the tunnelling current across films of striped nanoparticles |
E.S. Cho, J. Kim, H. Jiang,
B. Tejerina, H. Nakanishi, M. Yu, A.Z. Patashinski, S.C. Glotzer, F. Stellacci*
& B.A. Grzybowski* Nature Materials 11, 978-985
(2012) COVER ART |
Rewiring Chemistry: Algorithmic Discovery and Experimental Validation of One-Pot Reactions in the Network of Organic Chemistry |
C.M. Gothard, S. Soh,
N.A. Gothard, B. Kowalczyk, Y. Wei. B. Baytekin & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51,
7922 -7927 (2012) COVER ART |
Parallel Optimization of Synthetic Pathways within the Network of Organic Chemistry |
Kowalik, C.M. Gothard, A.M. Drews, N.A. Gothard, A. Wieckiewicz, P.E. Fuller,
B.A. Grzybowski* & K.J.M. Bishop* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51,
7928-7932 (2012) |
Chemical Network Algorithms for the Risk Assessment and Management of Chemical Threats |
Fuller, C.M. Gothard, N.A. Gothard, A. Wieckiewicz & B.A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51,
7933-7937 (2012) |
Tomography and Static-Mechanical Properties of Adherent Cells |
K. Kandere-Grzybowska*, G.Mahmud, S. Huda, A.Z. Patashinski & B.A.
Grzybowski* Adv. Mater. 24,
5719-5726 (2012) COVER ART |
Responsive and Nonequilibrium Nanomaterials |
S.C. Warren, O.
Guney-Altay, B.A. Grzybowski* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3,
2103??111 (2012) |
Nanoparticle Core/Shell Architectures within MOF Crystals Synthesized by Reaction Diffusion |
Wei, S. Han, D.A. Walker, P. E. Fuller & B.A.
Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51,
7435??439 (2012) COVER ART |
What Really Drives Chemical Reactions on Contact Charged Surfaces? |
B. Baytekin, H.T.
Baytekin & B.A. Grzybowski* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 7223-7226 (2012) |
Material Transfer and Polarity Reversal in Contact Charging |
H.T. Baytekin, B. Baytekin, J.T. Incorvati & B.
A. Grzybowski* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 4843-4847 (2012) VIP Article COVER ART |
Controlling Reversible Dielectric Breakdown in Metal/Polymer Nanocomposites |
J. Kim & B.A.
Grzybowski* Advanced Materials 24,
1850-1855 (2012) COVER ART |
Molecular tethering or aggregation: is the existence of charge transfer band indicative of a Blue-Box/TTF inclusion complex formation? |
B. Tejerina, C.M. Gothard
& B.A. Grzybowski* Chem. Eur. J. 18,
5606-5611 (2012) |
Plasmoelectronics: Coupling Plasmonic Excitation with Electron Flow |
S.C. Warren, D.A. Walker & B.A. Grzybowski* Langmuir 28, 9093-102 (2012)
Estimating chemical reactivity and cross-influence from collective chemical knowledge |
Y.Wei, B.Kowalczyk, C.M. Gothard, B. Baytekin, M. Branicki, B.A. Grzybowski* Chemical Science 3,
1497-1502 (2012) |